At 1st Southwater Sea Scouts, we have three sections – Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Our sections are for young people aged from six to fourteen.
You’ll also find our expectations of parents and young people, and what you can expect from Group Leaders.
Come and join us!
Beaver Scouts
Beavers are aged 6-8 years.
Cub Scouts
Cubs are aged 8-10½ years.
Scouts are aged 10½-14 years
What about those younger than six or older than fourteen?
1st Southwater Sea Scouts have the three sections listed above. There are Scout sections for those younger and older:
- Some Scout Groups have a Squirrel Drey for children aged 4-6. You can find your local Squirrel Drey here.
- Young people over 14 years can join their local Explorer Scout Unit. You can find your local Explorer Unit here.
- Adults might like to volunteer with us – many roles are available, both uniformed and non-uniformed.
Before deciding whether to take up the offer of a place and before your child attends their trial sessions, please look together at what can be expected.
We want children to have fun and try new activities they might not otherwise experience. We also want our members to feel respected, part of a team and, most importantly, safe at every session.
What you can expect from our Leaders:
- A warm welcome
- Programme/rota near the beginning of each term outlining the planned activities. (Please be patient if the weather has other ideas or if things change for our volunteer leaders!)
- Trial Sessions – so your son or daughter can experience two or three meetings. Trial sessions are free if your child decides not to join our Group. If your child does join, these Trial sessions are included in the termly subscription cost. This includes children joining the Group for the first time and those moving between sections as they get older.
- Safe, organised land or water-based activities each week
What we expect from our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts:
- Respect for fellow Beavers/Cubs/Scouts
- Respect for and follow instructions of Leaders and adult helpers
- Not intentionally cause harm, injury or distraction
- Always ask if you are unsure
- Always try your best and give every activity your best shot
What we expect from parents:
- If your child is starting at Beavers, you must accompany and stay with him/her for their trial sessions. At the end of the trial, you will have an opportunity to speak with a Leader from that Section and ask any questions before confirming whether your child would like to join.
- You will be included on the weekly parent-helper rota. Many activities require more than 2 or 3 adult helpers; therefore, without your attendance at some sessions, these activities may not be able to proceed. If you cannot help on the day you are scheduled to, it is your responsibility to swap with another parent.
- Subs are paid promptly, £50 per term. There is a one-off joining fee too. The joining fee is only paid the first time your child joins our group.
- If your child no longer wants to participate, you must notify the Section Leader. Please speak to the Section Leader if other activities prevent their attendance for four consecutive weeks. If appropriate, we will release the place to another person on the waiting list.