Scouts meet on a Monday every week during term time at the Southwater Junior Academy: 7.00pm till 9.00pm. Our Scouts go on an annual summer camp for a week in the summer holiday (usually the first week). Being Sea Scouts, our summer activities are based on the lake, learning to Canoe and Kayak, and building rafts. To have a go at Scouts, all you need to be is aged from 10½ – 14.
The Scout Section has existed since Scouting began in 1907. Though the Section has undergone many changes, its values and fundamental principles have remained unchanged. Today there are over 100,000 Scouts in 6,600 Troops across the UK.
We are part of 1st Southwater Sea Scouts. We are a land-based Sea Scout Group formed in 1992 to bring water-borne scouting to Southwater.
Who is Scouting for?
Scouts is open to young people aged between ten and a half and fourteen who want to join and can make the Scout Promise.
Scouting differs from many organisations in requiring its Members to make a Promise. The Scout Promise is the same for Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Members of the Scout Network and adult Members of the Association. Making the Promise is the most important act in Scouting and is common to every Section. Scouting has a special ceremony for making the Promise called Investiture or being invested. When a young person makes their Promise, they receive their Group Scarf, The Membership Award and are welcomed as a new Member of the Scout family.
“On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and to The King, to help other people and to keep the Scout Law.”
The Scout Promise for Scouts and older members who are Christian.
The Scout Law is a set of ‘rules’ that Scouts should do their best to live by. They are based on the Laws that Baden Powell came up with but have evolved to reflect changing times. The Laws are:
1. A Scout is to be trusted. 2. A Scout is loyal. 3. A Scout is friendly and considerate. 4. A Scout belongs to the worldwide family of Scouts. 5. A Scout has courage in all difficulties. 6. A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property. 7. A Scout has self-respect and respect for others
Blue Sea Scout shirt, navy blue Scout activity trousers, Scout belt, Sea Scout hat with Sea Scout tally band, and black shoes. They also wear a scarf (sometimes called a “necker”), which varies in colour from Scout Group to Scout Group. This uniform is to be worn when meeting at the school, arriving at camps (unless stated) and at parades. The shirt can be worn over additional layers if the weather conditions require it – however, if it is raining, a raincoat should be worn over the shirt.
When the Scouts are at Beacon Hill Campsite in Colgate, on hikes or other outdoor activities, the only uniform required is the Group Necker, which is always to be worn. The group Scout polo shirt and blue Scout activity trousers are not required, but most Scouts wear these. Experience has shown that the activity trousers stand up to most things the Scouts can throw at them.
How Scouts are organised
Scouts meet as a Troop and work within various small groups called Patrols. A Scout called a Patrol Leader leads the Patrol. The Patrol Leaders work with the Leadership Team in setting the programme and in decisions affecting the Troop. The Patrol system is one of the essential ways that young people can take responsibility for themselves and others. A volunteer leadership team of uniformed Leaders and other informal Assistants and helpers will guide the Troop. Explorer Scouts who are Young Leaders might also assist the leadership team in the Troop.
What do Scouts do?
Scouts usually meet once a week for a couple of hours. It is an opportunity for them to catch up with friends, learn new skills and explore issues relevant to their age group. They will also have their chance to say what they want to do!
Scout Programme
Scouts are encouraged to participate in a wide range of activities as part of their programme. On top of the adventure of outdoor activities that form a large part of the Scout Section, a Balanced Programme will help them discover the world in which they live, encourage them to know their abilities and the importance of keeping fit and help to develop their creative talents. It also provides opportunities to explore their values and attitudes and develop in all Personal Development Areas.
Programme Zones
The following are the six Programme Zones for Scouts. As part of the Balanced Programme, they will regularly participate in activities from all the zones:
Beliefs and Attitudes; Community; Fit for life; Creative Expression; Global; Outdoor and Adventure.
Badges and Awards
Even though the emphasis is on a Programme balanced with various activities, there are still badges and awards for Scouts to aim for during their time with the Troop. Badges and awards are given in recognition of the effort made by each young person at their level.
The Membership Award
This Award helps the young person understand their commitment when they make the Promise and become a Member of the Movement. It covers the history, traditions and practices of Scouting.
Every section has the same motto:
Be Prepared
The Scout Motto
The Challenges complement the Balanced Programme. These have been developed to extend Scouts’ skills and experience in a particular area, and to take them out of their comfort zone. The nine Challenges in the Scout Section are:
Adventure; world; creative; expedition; outdoor; personal; skills, team leader; and teamwork.
Activity Badges are optional, but they provide an opportunity to reward a young person who has taken part in an activity over a period of time. They should raise interest and extend a young person’s skills throughout their time in Scouting. There are many Scout Activity Badges:
Staged Activity Badges
These badges are staged across all the Sections, which gives a young person the opportunity to develop an area of interest throughout their time in Scouting. These badges get replaced as the next level is reached.
Within their Troop, Scouts are part of a Patrol. A Patrol is a smaller group of Scouts headed by a Patrol Leader and an Assistant Patrol Leader. PLs and APLs are older Scouts chosen to take on leadership responsibilities, such as welcoming new people to the Troop, or taking charge of a particular game or activity.
They wear leadership stripes to celebrate their hard work and ensure everyone knows who they are.
Scouting Outdoors
Scouting has a reputation as an outdoor organisation based on solid traditions of camping and other outdoor pursuits. This is reflected in the Balanced Programme, with about half the programme taken up by the Outdoor and Adventure Programme Zone. During the summer, the Sea Scouts are often found on the water, gaining and developing skills in various paddle sports. Scouting offers a range of activities for Scouts away from their home throughout the year, lots of camps and, when possible, a longer camp in the summer. These are an important part of Troop life; everybody is encouraged to go.
Scouts… Taking the Lead!
Scouts can make more and more decisions about what they want to do and want to get out of Scouting. The opportunities will be there for them to participate in a wide range of activities and gain all sorts of skills and knowledge. They will get to learn more about themselves by not only taking responsibility for themselves but for others as well.